Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Life in Progress

Greetings from snow-covered New Jersey! Yes, I am still around... but I absolutely took a much needed, extended vacation from House Of Jeffers. With the holidays being as busy as they were, I really needed some time to get my thoughts together and figure out what I am doing with my blog... and of course, take care of the boys.

All is going well - I'm so busy at work, but a good busy. Of course, the work/homelife balance is something I am still navigating but getting better at juggling. But admittiedly, my interactions on social media as of lately only extend onto Instagram, where I've been sharing something fun.

You may have been my #lipfiles photos, where I profile a lipstick of the day and what I wore with it. It's a selfie without most of my face in it. So far, I love the way the photos look and it seems others are enjoying the colors I showcase. I would love for you to see some of the looks I've created by visiting me on Instagram at House Of Jeffers!

But yeah, NJ is covered in snow. I hate it. It's cold, gross and just not at all a good time for fashion blogging since taking photos in the slush of melting snow isn't all that glam. And, I'll be honest that it's still not easy for me to make time to take outfits shots. But, I'm hoping this will change once the warm weather sets in. I am, however, conjuring up new ideas on where to take House Of Jeffers...

1. Possibly creating a YouTube channel devoted to my lipstick obsessions and "cool mom stuff". While I do not consider myself to be a beauty blogger, I see myself following more #bbloggers and watching a lot more tutorials. I love the idea of vlogging, and am experimenting with topics and ideas as to what I can talk about in videos. I'm open to suggestions!

2. More "mom" content - Being a mom to twins is a unique angle, and I personally don't know of any other blogger moms with twins.

3. DIY stuff . - I'm not trying to be PS. I Made This or I Spy DIY - because honestly, I am not that gifted and what they have done is nothing short of genius. But, I have projects I enjoy doing... Especially ones that I actually use in my home or things I wear.

4. Good ol' OOTD format like I've got going right now on House Of Jeffers - I love fashion. I love style. And I love coming up with new looks. I don't think this part of the blog will ever go away, but I do want to share some of the outfits I come up with from the boys.

Life is a work in progress... and so is House Of Jeffers. I do appreciate your understanding during this time in my life where time escapes me faster than ever. If you'd like to get in touch with me, feel free to write me at I'll be back!
