Floral Tunic - Urban Outfitters
Tights - Forever21
Cardigan - Express
Boots - ModCloth.com
Necklace - Mandee
So what about other fashion bloggers? Everyone has their own reasons for vogueing in the (sometimes) cold and taking pics of themselves. Career, entrepreneurship, attention, a need for approval... The motivation is different. I started to think about how readers view bloggers, and it made me question:
"Are fashion bloggers narcissists?"
Yes and no. There is a slight narcissistic element in taking photos of yourself because you think you look good, or want to show off your style. And I'm cool with that. Besides, that's not necessarily a bad thing. There's such a thing as healthy narcissism, and having self confidence, which is where I feel many fashion bloggers fall. However, to each is own and the answer varies among bloggers.
I can only speak for myself when I say I don't think I'm the bomb, and I'm certainly not breaking any barriers by wearing floral printed skirts with striped lurex tights. But in my eyes, and the eyes of others around me, I've always been one who was really into fashion and my own view of what's cool and what I'd wear as opposed to someone else has been slightly more adventurous. My view may be bias, but by healthy narcissism standards, I'm getting a rush out of doing something I have confidence in and feel I'm good at. Don't believe me? Blame Freud... Afterall, he did say that narcissism was a phase of development, where people turn their love for themselves toward another object. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Healthy_narcissism)
In this case, it's having good bangs and the ability to pair skinny jeans with killer shoes.
So, if that classifies fashion bloggers as people with self confidence, then we're just fashionably dressed, practicing narcissists.