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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Holiday Party Outfit Prerequisites

Taking pictures indoors is definitely NOT my preference. But, it was between taking photos on a rainy New Jersey day, or a simple wall in my house. Not the most creative, but what the photos might lack, hopefully, the outfit makes up for.

Outfit Details:
Pink Pleated Blouse - Forever 21 / Cobalt Blue Jeans - Marshalls / Luscious 23 Glitter Bow Pumps - / Chrystie Cross Bib Necklace - / Lanyard and Rhinestone Rope Bracelet - Henri Bendel

I'm absolutely on this mixing loud colors kick for winter, and which led me to wear this outfit to a casual holiday party. It's not your standard "Christmas party" festive, but I thought it was dressy yet casual enough to be appropriate. Plus, I darkened my hair, so my clothes have been looking slightly different on me.

Just because it's the holidays, that doesn't mean all you have to wear is gold, black and red. Let's reserve those colors for Christmas decorations, shall we?

My holiday outfits, I say play up colors other than the one's you find on Santa's sleigh:

For holiday parties, go with loud and non-traditional winter color choices since it lets your outfit stand out against the typical party-goers rocking traditional December hues. 

Plus, you can add wear your most flamboyant accessories with em. Glitter pumps and bib necklaces = a holiday party outfit prerequisite! 

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