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Friday, September 27, 2013

Proceed With Caution - 3 Ways To Be A Smart Shopper

As a fashion blogger, you've probably fallen into the trap of shopping due to influence of others and what you see in magazines else. I've done this. Heck, I did this last night on my way home from work. 

Perhaps you've recently justified your latest purchase with...
"It's for my blog."
"I have an event to go to. I needed it."
Shopping under the influence is a dangerous game as it'll catch up with your finances eventually.

You can still be on-trend and make smart shopping decisions if you avoid these three factors before handing over your credit card.

1. Magazines: Read with caution
Flipping through fashion magazines is how many of us relax and keep up with trends... And where the thought to buy something begins.

Put things in perspective especially when it comes to falling in love with things you see in magazines. Of course that red handbag looks amazing - that's because it's paired with other really amazing (and probably expensive) items.

If you don't have other things in your closet to complete the look, it's not worth it to drop a ridiculous amount of money on something you'll have to buy other pieces to make it look good with.

2.  Need versus Want
My biggest weakness without a doubt. I tend to buy things because I want them, not because I need them. It's gotten me into a lot of trouble in the sense that I own similar pieces with slight variation.

The concept to beat this is simple: If you don't really need it, put it back and leave the store. Sit on it for a couple of days, and if you find yourself not thinking about that dress you wanted, you probably didn't need it to begin with.

3. Get creative with outfits
I don't know who came up with the idea that you can only wear something on your blog once.
Probably a rich person...

Those of us who live in reality (that's you) can't afford to spend money on things you'll wear for 20 minutes in your pictures, or to an event, one time.

Recycle those duds, and show your audience how else to style your favorite red jeans. Show the value in reworking your clothes with other pieces and accessories in your closet. It's fun, and it definitely gives you more bang for your buck.

How do you curb your spending habits when it comes to shopping?

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