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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The End! The 30-Day Shopping Challenge is Over!

And I couldn't be happier! No joke. I'm browsing ASOS and Threadsense as you read this.

While I'd like to lie and say that the 30-Day No Shopping Challenge was fun, I can't. This was year two of the challenge, and I'm pretty sure I will not be putting myself (or you, my lovely readers) through this again. Lame-o. I've had more fun waiting for news of Adam Levine breaking up with his girlfriend (which actually happened) than doing this challenge.

I could barely wait for it over, and have been plotting Operation Shopping Rehab for days now.

Gunna look something like this when I hit the mall later:

So what did I learn from the challenge?

1. Saving money is good. It's nice to watch the numbers in your account actually go up. But where the savings that big? Not really. Since moving, I've had a lot of unexpected expenses.
2. I'll never do the challenge again. I'm an adult, and I know how to use self-control. I'll rely on that next time rather than taking an approaching where I'm forcing myself to come up with a time limit to slowly torture myself.
3. A little imagination goes a long way. Without shopping, I was able to look at the clothes in my closet in a different way, and come up with new looks.
4. Trying to bribe your husband into buying something for you really doesn't work. Shocker.
5. The time I would have spent shopping went towards other things, like crafting and sobbing alone  putting more effort into bettering my blog. Pluses all around!

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